Hello to everyone! I have missed you, believe me. I have gotten so caught up with school and ministry that I have not even wanted to write anything extra. This semester I decided to take two classes so I can finish before two years. I’m completely over going to school now, but I’m too close to quit. I’ll talk more about my school woes in a few so just keep reading lol.


I know you understand having too much on your plate and not being able to eat it all. Coming up with a plan of action to start blogging again has been at the forefront of my heart. My idea is not to be locked into writing every week but to write as often as I get something for you; whether that’s every week, once a month, or every day. I pray for you all often. I love the relationships that I have built through this forum and will continue. Keep me in your prayers; that I won’t miss a moment of hearing God.


I wanted to go back to my comment about quitting school. This being the beginning of the year is the perfect time to share this because many have made New Year’s resolutions. The beginning of the year produces more liars than any other time lol. I have no idea of why we wait until January 1 to make commitments that we don’t keep. I stopped doing that years ago cause I was tired of not continuing what I was saying so now I just change every Monday lol. You know how we commit on Mondays so don’t judge me 😜. Seriously though, the grace for school was lifting. Thanksgiving break took me out. Before Thanksgiving, I was in a rhythm, and it was sweet so. However, when I stopped and had to start again that transition was rough. I was sitting at my desk reading the same sentence over and over, and I stopped and began to question my decision of ever starting school. How many of you have ever done that? I was left to myself to reason, and my reasoning was going bad quickly. I closed my computer and decided I would come back tomorrow and finish my paper. The next day I group texted two of my cohorts and shared where I was in my soul, and they encouraged me to keep going. I didn’t want to tell my husband Mike because I thought he would say, “Please quit”. I was confident that those late hours of studying and writing papers instead of being in the bed with him would motivate him to take my side! When I finally told him how I was feeling he also said, “Oh no! We don’t quit.” You have no idea of how this catapulted me into wanting to keep going to the end. The feeling of having people in your corner to cheer you on is comforting.


So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Galatians 6:9 Message Bible

Let’s move away from school and me and move to your life. What have you been challenged with that has become so traumatizing that you want to quit? Let me encourage you not to stop pursuing what you want. The enemy’s job is to put pressure on our souls to cave in. However, God has given us authority over the enemy, and we can cast those thoughts down. I get it! Life can get tough at times, and the pain is real, but that’s why we all need a squad. We all need someone that will push us! Don’t be so prideful that you struggle alone trying to prove something to people. Life is too precious to use it to impress people that don’t like you anyway. Have you ever walked up a hill and the closer you got to the top, the harder the stride became? Well, that’s how this faith walk may be at times. The closer you get to what you want, the greater the pressure to quit. Keep this in mind when you are facing anything, and you will keep pushing through. Hey, I’ll see you at the top of the hill in your victory so until next time know that I am pushing you, my sister.